With the aim of supporting NGOs to explore new and innovative potential, the Annika Linden Centre trains local NGOs and social enterprises on an array of topics that they can utilise practically in their work to realise their optimum potential for generating resources, maximising impact and as a result, creating change.
Knowledge and skills shared with and between NGOs in our training sessions focuses on efficient and cost-effective solutions for operational functions such as accounting, financial management, legal compliances, program management and impact measurement.
The Annika Linden Centre also implements an NGO Training Series which spreads its focus wider to more local NGOs and changemakers, offering access to a variety of quality and affordable training delivered by experts.
“Training yang saya ikuti tersebut, membantu saya untuk memahami cara pembuatan proposal yang efektif, hal-hal apa yg seharusnya saya lebih tonjolkan manfaatnya, tujuan pembuatan proposal yg jelas dan pertanggung jawaban dananya juga. Sehingga donatur akan lebih tertarik dan mempercayai kami dengan ikut bekerja sama dalam kegiatan kami.”
“Saya senang sekali mendapat kesempatan untuk menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman di bidang organisasi nirlaba. Training-training yang diselenggarakan oleh ALC membantu saya sebagai staff organisasi untuk bekerja dan meningkatkan kapasitas saya sebagai individu.”
“The topics were great to meet our needs, excellent trainers and absolute experts in the field. The ALC NGO training series also offered terrific opportunities to network with amazing participants from a variety of backgrounds and sectors. I also liked the opportunities to reflect on what I have done so far and to access examples of best practices.
Overall, it was one of the best learning experiences personally and professionally. I look forward to joining the next sessions of the training at ALC.”
“Sejak mengikuti ALC NGO Training Series, saya mendapatkan banyak pelajaran yang menambah pengetahuan dan kemampuan saya. Ini sangat membantu saya dalam pekerjaan saya karena pelatihan-pelatihan yang saya ikuti banyak terkait dengan bidang dan tugas saya di EBPP. Penyampaian materi oleh para narasumber mudah dipahami dan media/lokasi yang digunakan juga nyaman, baik secara online maupun tatap muka. Saya harap semakin banyak pelatihan yang akan diselenggarakan di masa mendatang dengan topik/materi yang semakin beragam atau pendalaman dari pelatihan-pelatihan sebelumnya.”
“I love how welcoming this program is, i feel so comfortable to learn, everyone is very nice, all the facilites are great, and the trainer is very good not boring and fun, very well to understand the leasson, i hope to come learn again for the next up coming training.”
“ALC NGO Training Series merupakan jawaban yang mengena untuk kebutuhan organisasi dalam pengenalan potensi diri dan pengembangan kapasitas internal khususnya pada aspek keberlanjutan, serta kesempatan berjejaring dengan teman-teman organisasi lainnya. Terima kasih, ALC! Ditunggu training series berikutnya.”
“Materi trainingnya selalu menarik. Tidak membatasi peserta untuk mengikuti training yang dilakukan secara online. Mendukung dan menyebarkan pemahaman tentang isu disabilitas.”
“ALC NGO Training Series is very thought-provoking. They were designed to be applicable and truly answer the challenges experienced by us as non-profit organisations.”
Due to its strategic location in Denpasar, Bali – a crossroads for many countries, cultures, and philosophies – the Annika Linden Centre has become a centre for events. Aside from the those implemented by the Annika Linden Centre with its partners , our Centre is a favourite of many businesses and organisations looking for the ideal event facilities.
We have a variety of spaces available for hire to suit different event requirements and can also offer a range of logistical support. Our rooms and facilities are all completely accessible and provide a professional yet comfortable environment for almost any event.
The Annika Linden Centre also offers advisory, consulting and project support services for clients wishing to work more impactfully in the NGO space across Indonesia. Our experience, skills and networks ensure we offer innovative services and insights, while our location and standing in the community ensures we can translate this to valuable and impactful grassroots-level interventions.
From an investor perspective, we also advise and support an array of entities from the business sector looking to invest in impact, including through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds, as a social enterprise, or individual philanthropic donors and impact investors.